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2024 PAC Elections

Chapel Hill Middle School

Dekalb County Schools

About Us

About Us

Welcome to Chapel Hill Middle School - Home of the Panthers 

The MISSION of Chapel Hill Middle School is to develop students to become independent productive citizens and responsible life-long learners in a global society.

The VISION of Chapel Hill Middle School is to promote teacher empowerment, involve parents and the community in the school's success and equip students with the academic instruction, social and emotional development and character education necessary for their future endeavors.
Our goal is to provide students an environment where acquiring knowledge is the expectation every day. As students matriculate into Chapel Hill Middle they will receive instruction in four academic areas which are math, science, social studies and language arts. We also offer Extended Learning Time (ELT) where students can receive acceleration or remediation services. 
To assist students with positive health and career choices they participate in four (4) nine week rotations per year. All students are required to have one (1) rotation of Health and PE per year.

Magnet Academy/High Achievers 

The middle school Magnet Programs are designed to serve academically talented students. It provides students the opportunity to excel in a challenging, comprehensive academic environment. In lieu of Extended Learning Time (ELT) all magnet students receive Spanish instruction as part of their program of study. We currently have magnet programs in seventh and eighth grades.

Chapel Hill Middle School also has a gifted and high achiever’s program. Students enter the gifted program based on tests scores from the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) along with Renzulli testing. High Achiever students are selected based on overall Georgia Milestones Assessment score in math and/or reading.